XYÓLHMET YE SYÉWIQWÉLH (Taking Care Of Our Children)
The SNCC directed the Stó:lō Research and Resource Management Centre (SRRMC) to develop plans and secure federal and provincial funding supporting this work. The SRRMC team includes: Dr. David Schaepe, Director & Senior Archaeologist / XYS Lead; Amber Kostuchenko, XYS Manager; Dr. Sí:yemiya (Albert “Sonny” McHalsie), Cultural Advisor; Cara Brendzy, Heritage Stewardship and Archaeology, Manager; Donna Crilly, Archaeologist; Shannon Enns, Archaeologist / Drone Imagery Advisor and Pilot; Kathleen Bertrand, XYS Coordinator and Archival Researcher; Kristina Celli, Archival Research Supervisor Remy Benoit, Archival Researcher and Field Crew; Asia Mazereeuw, Haley Dekker, Issa Campbell, Lily Angus-Pender, Marion Mussell and Raymond Kobes, Archival Researchers; Colin Green, GIS/Geomatics Manager / GIS Data and Mapping, GIS Technician; Stephen Shurgold, Archivist/Librarian; Guyweeyo Mason, Genealogist; Lisa Davidson, Genealogist/GIS Specialist; Tracey Joe, Managing Supervisor SRRMC, and Tara Green, Executive Administrative Assistant, and a team of dedicated summer staff who work in the field.
Our collaborative research design directly includes Dr. Keith Carlson, XYS Archival Researcher and Advisor, and Dr. Sarah Beaulieu, XYS GPR Expert and Advisor. Additionally, we have specialists in ground penetrating radar (GPR) Dr. Andrew Martindale at the University of British Columbia, Dr. Colin Grier at Washington State University and Dr. Kisha Supernant at the University of Alberta supporting our work in an advisory capacity.
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